Team Lead Succeed - Nick Fewings
- Helping teams achieve high-performance teamwork and greater success
"Everyone in a team has a voice, which needs to be heard, especially when things aren't working as well as they should be. After all, nothing will change if you do not take action and speak up."
Team Lead Succeed is for anyone who works in a team and wants to make a positive difference to its effectiveness.
It will help you to appreciate those areas of your teamwork that are working well, whilst also highlighting areas that could be working better and need to be shared with your team, discussed and, if agreed, changed.
We spend a large proportion of our careers working in teams. On average, we work for between 45-50 years of our life, and spend 35% of our waking hours during this period working, a lot of which will be as part of a team.
It is therefore important that this time is both fulfilling and positive, not only for you but for your colleagues as well.
If the team that you are a part of is not working effectively, it can feel awful and often has a knock-on effect on how you feel outside of work.
Team Lead Succeed provides learning and practical suggestions to help teams achieve high-performance teamwork and effectiveness, by better understanding WHO is in your team and HOW effective your teamwork is in 16 areas of teamwork. In addition, there is a chapter that explores leadership.
It provides learning, to raise awareness of the importance of understanding WHO is in your team, focussing on both the behavioural and technical skills of your team, and provides suggestions on how to make best use of these invaluable skills.
Using the Team DyNAmics Model, it then explores 16 areas of teamwork, with a chapter dedicated to each:
Purpose, trust, planning, collaboration, accountability, commitment, roles and skills, communication, decision-making, team meetings, processes, environment, vision, diversity, reflection and transformation.
Each chapter provides an overview of the specific area of teamwork, the benefits of ensuring it is working effectively, red flags of when it is not working effectively, a real-life story and suggestions to consider.
Finally, four questions are included, to get the reader thinking about their team and how the learning may apply to them.
In summary, the purpose of Team Lead Succeed is to provide teams with a better understanding of the important aspects in achieving high-performance teamwork, how these may specifically apply to them, and in doing so, enable constructive conversations to be had, that celebrate what is working well and enable the team to agree strategies, to overcome their challenges.
EAN: 9781739757205