The House In The Mist - Anna Katharine Green
"The House in the Mist" by Anna Katharine Green transports readers into a realm of mystery and suspense. Set against the backdrop of a secluded and atmospheric mansion, the narrative follows the enigmatic events that unfold when a group of individuals becomes entangled in the house's haunting secrets. As characters navigate dimly lit corridors and hidden chambers, they unearth a tapestry of family history, forbidden love, and spectral occurrences. Green's skillful storytelling weaves an intricate plot filled with unexpected twists and psychological depth. The house itself emerges as a central character, shrouded in mist and harboring echoes of the past. With its eerie ambiance and exploration of the supernatural, "The House in the Mist" stands as a captivating example of early 20th-century mystery fiction, inviting readers to unravel the enigmas concealed within its mist-shrouded walls.
EAN: 9789358057812