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Detour Discreet Cover - Marie A.
AutorzyMarie A.

Detour Discreet Cover - Marie A.

  • A Creekwood Novel
75,10 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy
Odroczone płatności. Kup teraz, zapłać za 30 dni, jeżeli nie zwrócisz

Kup teraz, zapłać później - 4 kroki

Przy wyborze formy płatności, wybierz PayPo.PayPo - kup teraz, zapłać za 30 dni
PayPo opłaci twój rachunek w sklepie.
Na stronie PayPo sprawdź swoje dane i podaj pesel.
Po otrzymaniu zakupów decydujesz co ci pasuje, a co nie. Możesz zwrócić część albo całość zamówienia - wtedy zmniejszy się też kwota do zapłaty PayPo.
W ciągu 30 dni od zakupu płacisz PayPo za swoje zakupy bez żadnych dodatkowych kosztów. Jeśli chcesz, rozkładasz swoją płatność na raty.

Welcome to Creekwood...


Head down, eyes peeled for any opportunity to get off the dead-end course my mother carelessly paved for me years ago.

My plan takes a sharp turn landing me directly across the hall from Creekwood's resident bad boys. The three streetbike riding misfits are as stubborn as they are sexy. And they. Are. Sexy. Especially the one with the mocha swirl eyes watching my every move.

Even the six-foot hallway separating us can't keep the overbearing trio from constantly getting in my way, but when my past threatens to catch up with me, I quickly learn not every detour promises an easier route, no matter how tempting my new neighbors might make it look.  


Head up, eyes locked on anything threatening to throw me off the carefully constructed path I have mapped out.

I live my life the same way I ride my bike, never once regretting the roads I've chosen.

Lately though, after years of the same scenery, everything's starting to blur together. It's only when our elusive neighbor girl comes out of nowhere that I realize what's been missing. And now that I have, I don't think I can let her pass by so quickly.

At least not without proving the lengths I'll go for her first.

Note: This is the special edition/alternate cover version of Detour. The story inside remains the same. This book is a 112k word new adult neighbors to lovers romance. Although this book is a standalone, it is also book one of the Creekwood Series. Halloween bonus scene now included!

Detour contains content that may be upsetting to some readers. Please see author's site for full list of CWs. 

EAN: 9781960396075
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Marie A.
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