Crimes of the Year 2000 - Ray Cummings
In the shadows of a 2000s metropolis, detectives Georg Trant and Jac Lombard, the dynamic duo of Ray Cummings' groundbreaking series, stand as guardians against a wave of futuristic crimes. Transporting readers from the author's 1930s origins into a dazzling future, where science and crime collide, Cummings' narrative captures the essence of a world both familiar and fantastically evolved. As key members of the Shadow Squad in New York's Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Trant and Lombard wield cutting-edge tools, reminiscent of their 1930s counterparts yet adapted for the challenges of the 21st century. Entrusted by the Crime Prevention Bureau, their mission transcends typical investigations. From the iconic Shadow Squad Building, they navigate a labyrinth of shadowy alliances and unseen threats, striving to thwart crimes before they unfold. In this riveting blend of detective and science fiction, the duo unravels mysteries with razor-sharp instincts, working as a beacon of justice in a landscape veiled in intrigue.
EAN: 9781618277480