The Lady From Nowhere A Detective Story - Hume Fergus
"The Lady from Nowhere: A Detective Story" is a riveting tale that unfolds in the bustling streets of London, where a mysterious woman with no past suddenly appears, shrouded in intrigue and secrecy. As Detective Inspector John Smith takes on the perplexing case, he becomes entangled in a complex web of lies, betrayals, and hidden identities. With each clue leading to unexpected twists and startling revelations, Smith grapples with the enigmatic nature of the lady's origins, unearthing a trail of deceit and manipulation that challenges his every perception. Against the backdrop of a vibrant yet shadowy cityscape, the novel weaves a narrative of suspense and psychological depth, exploring themes of identity, redemption, and the intricacies of the human psyche. "The Lady from Nowhere" is a captivating detective story that keeps readers engrossed in its enigmatic atmosphere until the final breathtaking revelation.
EAN: 9789358050622