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Chair Yoga for Seniors and Beginners - Rose Adrian

Chair Yoga for Seniors and Beginners - Rose Adrian

  • The Only 27 Essential Poses you Need for Strength, Flexibility and Vitality
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Do you want to achieve a better quality of life, even whilst you're sitting down?

Chair yoga is a form of yoga that adapts traditional yoga poses and practices to be performed while seated on a chair, or using a chair for support. It is an accessible and inclusive approach to yoga, making the practice especially useful to individuals with limited mobility.

Whether you are a senior, an office worker, or physically unable to do a downward dog on the mat, chair yoga is for you.

These poses are so easy to follow that you are guaranteed to succeed, even if you have never exercised before.

What will you discover in this book?

Easy-to-follow instructions for poses that only require a chair ' 15 minutes of your time;

Step-by-step instructions for poses that help towards building strength, flexibility and vitality - even if you can't get down to a yoga mat;

A variety of poses that can be performed from the comfort of your own home, no matter your age, ability or limitations;

What does science say?

1. Studies by the Harvard Medical School show that weekly yoga classes often help with chronic back pain more than the standard treatment.

2. According to The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, exercise improves 'wear and tear' conditions such as osteoarthritis by an impressive 22-83%!

3. Yoga has been proven to improve bone density even in older adults - it is better to start late than never.

The author introduced his mother to yoga when she was in her fifties-29 years ago. Like anyone her age, she has aches and pains that come with age, but she lives with no physical restrictions and enjoys a full life at the age of 79.

She had a fall recently, fracturing her kneecap, but she thankfully bounced back fairly quickly, putting her quick recovery down to her regular chair yoga practice. The incredible benefits that yoga has brought her are evident; therefore, the author is confident about the benefits it can bring to the lives of others, too.

To take control of your vitality with chair yoga, add this to your shopping cart now!

EAN: 9781739590048
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Rose Adrian
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