The Keepers Of The King's Peace - Wallace Edgar
"The Keepers of the King's Peace" is a gripping crime novel penned by Edgar Wallace, renowned for his thrilling storytelling. Set in the bustling streets of London, this tale delves into the world of crime, mystery, and the tireless efforts of those dedicated to upholding justice. Amidst the chaos, a group of dedicated individuals emerges as the titular "Keepers of the King's Peace." These unsung heroes, armed with determination and an unwavering commitment to justice, navigate the treacherous paths of crime-fighting. From high-profile thefts to cunning conspiracies, they relentlessly pursue the truth, often at great personal risk. Edgar Wallace's masterful storytelling breathes life into the city of London, capturing the essence of its bustling streets, the allure of its clandestine corners, and the tension that lingers in the air.
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