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Now Here - Ellsworth Elle
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Now Here - Ellsworth Elle

  • A Soul's Journey
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There is no time but Now; and there is no place but Here...therefore you are Now Here. This book is a documented account and recollection of LIFE events and EXPERIENCES, shared in the hope that one may begin to remember who one truly is. Being duty-bound by GOD to share a personal account of one's inner journal is truly a sign of transparency and hopefully attract the attention of the masses, because it is the masses who are "sleep-living" and don't know that they are "sleep-living." Sleep-living is a state of being like the walking dead. Day in and day out! The existence of humankind as we know it is gradually slipping away, because of its current trajectory. The lack of respect and care for the Earth is destroying the world and if humankind fails to change course, humankind will destroy the planet. There is a lot of work to do on a collective conscious level, and collectively, it can be done. There are already so many other precious souls who have stepped into their role of awareness and are doing their work. While others will continue to play their role in this earthly plane until they choose a different role that is better suited to fulfil a higher purpose for the mutual benefit of all. This shift in collective consciousness is not something that can be mandated or legislated. It must be a personal choice to desire a better state of being not only for oneself; but for everyone, as people, we are all connected; therefore, whatever affects one, affects ALL. Stop and take a look around; the state of being for the majority of people is not as one would like. Other forms of worldly rulers, governments, and organized religions who do not allow one to think for oneself, all have and play their major roles well. Everybody takes chances with human lives every day all day, nonstop, from all aspects of LIFE. This has to stop! This is the value that is placed on LIFE.... ah God.... ah Life.... THINK about this! What would be the difference, whether it's God or Life? God being ALL in ALL and through ALL. People tend to view God in ways that are familiar and if and when God appears different from the times of old and the way people were accustomed to, people tend to dismiss events or experiences as being God; and therefore, miss God on so many levels. Open UP! Can't confine God to be and act the same no matter how you try. He is the thing used to attempt to confine Him. So, stop doing that! God cannot be defined nor confined to any one thing. The one constant about God is, that he is always changing to adapt to the needs of His children.

EAN: 9781665751544
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Ellsworth Elle
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Super obsługa, przesyłka ekspresowa. Jestem mega zadowolona ❤️
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