Getting Through Your First Year in Network Marketing - George J. Doublin
- Overcome Your Fears, Achieve Success, and Fulfil Your Dreams!
How to Maintain the Dream!
Network marketing is one of the most rapidly increasing job fields in the United States. Millions of people, just like you, have left dead-end employment to pursue their ambition of starting their own businesses. However, many of them discover that the first year in network marketing is often the most difficult-and, for some, the most demoralising.
Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell, two of the industry's most renowned and accomplished experts, present ideas for overcoming first-year challenges and positioning yourself for lasting success. The Yarnells offer a wealth of savvy guidance on everything you need to know to thrive in network marketing, including proven strategies for recruiting, training, and compensation.
In an easy, step-by-step approach, you will learn how to:
·Deal with rejection
·Recruit and train
·Avoid overmanaging your downline
·Remain focused
·Stay enthusiastic
·Avoid unrealistic expectations
·Conduct those in-home meetings
·Ease out of another profession
You owe it to yourself to read this inspiring book!
"This will be the Bible of Network Marketing."
- Doug Wead, former special assistant to the president, the Bush Administration
EAN: 9783986087128