Crybaby - Cheryl E. Klein
A self-described crybaby who sees the end of the world lurking around every corner, Cheryl E. Klein has relied on planning and hard work to reach her goals and avoid catastrophe. But when she finds her wish for a baby dashed over and over - first by infertility, then miscarriage, and finally breast cancer - her carefully structured life, marriage, friendships, and belief system begin to crumble. Adding a detour through the fickle world of open adoption seems like the last thing she should do, but where she lacks control, she finds adventure. Empathetic, candid, and often humorous, Crybaby: Infertility, Illness and Other Things That Were not the End of the World is the story of what happens when a failed perfectionist and successful hypochondriac is forced to make room in her life for grief and joy, fear and hope, all at the same time.
EAN: 9781941932193