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Polski. Bez problemu! ComprehensiveA1-C1 - Ewa Masłowska
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Polski. Bez problemu! ComprehensiveA1-C1 - Ewa Masłowska

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NEW EDITION OF THE BESTSELLER WITH THE AI ASSISTANT - 500,000 COPIES SOLD! Learn Polish from the elementary level (A1-A2), to intermediate (B1-B2), to advanced (C1). This will enable you to communicate freely in this language in everyday situations as well as in more complex ones that require you to formulate sentences fluently, understand various kinds of texts, express your opinion during a discussion and hold a conversation on any topic. Polski. Bez problemu! is a complete set of textbooks of 588 pages with a Polish language course for self-study. Thanks to it you will get acquainted with the most important words and grammatical structures related, among others, to work, travel, contemporary world, culture and arts. The acquired knowledge will help you understand and carry out conversations regarding private, social and professional life - from family, interests and shopping, to professional ambitions or contemporary world events. The publication also includes MP3 recordings and exercises, which are supported by the original SuperMemo method of intelligent repetition on the website and application. In the books you will find: - dialogues - texts - exercises - vocabulary lists - grammar explanations - commentaries - dictionary - answer key When you purchase the books, you will receive an access code for their multimedia extensions at SuperMemo.com: MP3 recordings and exercises, which are supported by the original SuperMemo method of intelligent repetition on the website and application. Please note that the content of the books may be different from the content of the courses in SuperMemo.com. The courses may include additional/other tasks or exercises that are not included in the books. All the requirements for using the multimedia extensions are available at supermemo.app. SuperMemo.com provides you with, among others: - Chat with the AI Assistant that acts as your private tutor - Individual access to the web platform and applications (Android, iOS), online and offline - Learning progress synchronization among your devices - MP3 recordings - Speech recognition, which interprets your answer and motivates you to speak out loud while practising - Multi-award winning SuperMemo method based on scientific research, to help you remember thousands of words with the effectiveness of nearly 100%.

EAN: 9788379842933
Kod produktu
Rok wydania

Oprawa Skórzana

etui kartonowe
219x157 mm
Data premiery
Ewa Masłowska
890 g
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