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In the Light of Death - Koedam Ineke

In the Light of Death - Koedam Ineke

  • Experiences on the threshold between life and death
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Death appears to be a process rather than a single event in time and may be heralded by deathbed phenomena such as visions that comfort the dying and help to prepare them for death. On behalf of prominent neuropsychiatric Peter Fenwick, Ineke Koedam, an experienced hospice worker, researched these 'end-of-life- experiences'. She interviewed fellow hospice workers in various hospices and bundled their experiences together in this unique book. A dying man who clearly sees his deceased wife and even can talk with her. A dying woman, confused and hardly responsive, who experiences a bright moment when she sees her old friend. End-of-life experiences are -without exception - miraculous. In The Light of Death the author shows that these moments are significant and essential for the dying themselves, their families and caregivers. Koedam believes they indicate a transition to another form of existence. We do not exactly know what the dying are going through internally, however Koedam's research demonstrates that devoted and open minded spiritual care is very important. By developing more openness and understanding for these personal end-of-life experiences, there will be room for the needs of the dying. This allows us to support them even better in the process of acceptance and surrender. In the light of death is informative, comforting and helpful at a time when many people are afraid of dying. "I am convinced that this book will make a huge contribution to the acknowledgement and recognition of end-of-life experiences, which can diminish the fear of death even in its final stages." - Pim van Lommel, cardiologist, author of Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of Near-Death Experience.

EAN: 9781910121481
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