Women in Business - Markovi Mirjana Radovi
- Theory, Practice and Flexible Approaches
The recognition of the capacity of women entrepreneurs in our global community is no longer a matter of debate, but a realisation that female entrepreneurship is now forming one of the major factors contributing to the development of many countries, and not just countries in transition. Most women entrepreneurs are seen to be more realistic about their commercial prodigies and often make attempts to develop them within a family environment, while men gravitate more towards developing business hierarchies with defined rules and working business procedures. Women in Business: Theory, Practice and Flexible Approaches is a practical book that provides support and practical planning tools to guide both established and aspiring female entrepreneurs. Because self-employment and entrepreneurial activities are decisions that cannot be taken lightly, a number of checklists and tests which could be used to make entrepreneurial decision-making processes easier and more effective are discussed within the framework of feminist theories.
EAN: 9781906704698