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Holy Roman Empire - History Captivating

Holy Roman Empire - History Captivating

  • A Captivating Guide to the Holy Roman Empire and Carolingian Dynasty
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If you want to discover the captivating history of the Holy Roman Empire, then keep reading...

Two captivating manuscripts in one book:

  • The Holy Roman Empire: A Captivating Guide to the Union of Smaller Kingdoms That Started During the Early Middle Ages and Dissolved During the Napoleonic Wars
  • The Carolingian Empire: A Captivating Guide to the Carolingian Dynasty and Their Large Empire That Covered Most of Western Europe During the Reign of Charlemagne

Beginning with Charlemagne, the great and educated king who would serve as an inspiration for world leaders from Frederick II to Adolf Hitler, the Holy Roman Empire’s intricate ties with the Roman Catholic Church would provide for plenty of excitement and drama in its early years. However, as the empire staggered through the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, it would eventually be forced to declare its allegiance with a new way of thinking: Protestantism.

Throughout the story of the Holy Roman Empire, a wealth of fascinating tales from interesting people proliferates. Monks and emperors will clash, poets sing the praises of kings, and the pope rides blind and bareback on a frightened donkey through the streets of Rome. The mightiest monarch in all of the world walks barefoot in the snow in repentance for his angry deeds, and two rival families stand toe-to-toe for the monarchy. Crusades are lost in war and won in diplomacy, while kings are held ransom, revolts are suppressed, and antipopes crowned. And this incredible tale spanning a full millennium is ready and waiting for you to turn the next page.

Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:

  • The First Roman Empire
  • The Carolingians
  • A Formal Emperor
  • The Caligula of Christianity
  • Antipope
  • The Walk to Canossa
  • The Hohenstaufen Dynasty Begins
  • The Red-Bearded Warrior King
  • Captor of the Lionheart
  • Stupor Mundi
  • The Great Interregnum
  • The King of Peace
  • The Rise of the Habsburgs
  • The Reformation
  • Eight Million Dead
  • The Dissolution
  • And much, much more!

Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:

  • A Quick Overview
  • The World After Rome
  • Ending a Dynasty – Pepin, Charles, and Carloman
  • The Conquests of Charles
  • In the Name of Religion
  • Pope Leo III and the Founding of an Empire
  • The Carolingian Renaissance – The Empire under Charlemagne
  • The Rule of Louis the Pious
  • Familial Strife and the Decay of the Empire
  • The Division Effectively Ending the Empire
  • Echoes of the Roman Empire – How Outside Forces Picked Apart the Carolingian Empire
  • Lasting Effects and Hope of Reunification
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about the history of The Holy Roman Empire and The Carolingian Empire, scroll up and click the 'add to cart' button!

EAN: 9781950924066
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History Captivating
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