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Insiders/Outsiders - Tamdgidi Mohammad H.
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Insiders/Outsiders - Tamdgidi Mohammad H.

  • Voices from the Classroom
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This Spring 2007 (V, 2) Issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge entitled "Insiders/outsiders: Voices from the Classroom" includes papers, some by students at UMass Boston, that creatively apply the sociological imagination to understanding specific personal toubles involving insider/outsider experience in relation to broader public issues. Topics include: "Editor's Note: My Architect (1930-2007)," "Identity Formation and Music: A Case Study of Croatian Experience," "The Nightmare of Clever Children: Civilization, Postmodernity, and the Birth of the Anxious Body," "Looking Inside Out: A Sociology of Knowledge and Ignorance of Geekness," "Parallel Dualisms: Understanding America's Apathy for the Homeless through the Sociological Imagination," "Love and Marriage: Through the Lens of Sociological Theories," "Lifting the Fog: Finding Freedom in Light of the Sociological Imagination," "The Quinceñera Rising: Self-Discoveries on the Heels of City and Rural Town," "The Broken Path: Juvenile Violence and Delinquency in Light of Sociological Theories," "Why Do I Not Like Me?: Sociological Self-Reflections on Weight Issues and the American Culture," "Longing to Be Thin: Why I Wait Until Tomorrow to Change My Habits," "The Boston Irish Male: A Self Study," "A Family of Neglect and "Dysfunction": Personal Blames or Structural Constraints?," "Exiting the Self-Destructive Highway: A Sociological Path Back to A Future Career," "Beginnings," "From the Cover Artist, Arie Kupferwasser." Contributors include: Miroslav Mavra, Lori McNeil, Sean Conroy, Johnny Yu, Colin Allen, Ana Carolina Fowler, Keyon Smith, Krystle Santana, Sylvia Khromina, C. G., Caitlin Boyle, Anonymous, L. Z., Paul Connor, Arie Kupferwasser, and Mohammad H. Tamdgidi (also as journal editor-in-chief). Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge is a publication of OKCIR: The Omar Khayyam Center for Integrative Research in Utopia, Mysticism, and Science (Utopystics). For more information about OKCIR and other issues in its journal's Edited Collection as well as Monograph and Translation series visit OKCIR's homepage.

EAN: 9781888024258
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Tamdgidi Mohammad H.
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