The Last Weekend - Cathryn Dines
A reader wrote me,
My father died of alcoholism. I remember the dread insecurity we all felt, as Dad was not a good provider and it was very hard on Mom. Like you, Mom was the strength and steading influence in her family. This was not always the case. For many years, without realizing it, I was 'feeding into' the problem. I was angry, resentful, full of self-pity, and wracked with guilt. I sat for hours every night, worrying about the problems in our family. When my children were in bed, I would stand in their doorway looking at them sleeping. I had been distracted and short-tempered, and I was overcome with guilt. They deserved so much better. I vowed to do better tomorrow, but tomorrow was more of the same. This book is the story of what turned me around, and I am convinced, saved my life, and the lives of my children.
EAN: 9781952244070