The Old Mermaids Mystery School - Kim Antieau
Are you feeling overloaded? Surrounded by chaos? Or maybe you're no longer sure what your purpose is. Perhaps you've never known. In a world of noise and chaos, The Old Mermaids Mystery School offers simple steps to connect with Nature, our true selves, and each other.
In Mystery Schools from ancient times, the Mysteries were based on ideas that were hidden in plain sight. So it is with The Old Mermaids Mystery School. When the Old Mermaids walked out of the Old Sea and into the New Desert, changing their fin-ware into skin-ware, they brought with them not only their beautiful magical selves but entire skill sets which enabled them to thrive in their new and changing world.
Now their unique, practical, mystical, and poetic ways of being in and connecting with the world are here in The Old Mermaids Mystery School, a 13-Mystery self-directed program to help you explore ways to swim, walk, and dance with beauty, joy, and authenticity through all the days and nights of your life.
Each Mystery in The Old Mermaids Mystery School features the wisdom of one of the Old Mermaids. You won't find any dogma, religion, or exams here. Instead, revel in each of the 13 Mysteries, revealed to you over time, taking you from Sister Sheila Na Giggles's practical steps on being in the here and now to Sister Faye Mermaid's "The rest is mystery."
The Old Mermaids offer you peace and sanctuary and a chance to thrive no matter where you find yourself in your life's journey.
EAN: 9781949644517