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Take Your Charming Somewhere Else - Katie Rose Pryal

Take Your Charming Somewhere Else - Katie Rose Pryal

  • A Hollywood Lights Novel
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How do you find love when your biggest secret is an unforgivable sin?

Charlie George, one of the best attorneys in L.A., seems to have a perfect life. A sky-high apartment. A drool-worthy sports car. And a face that would make angels weep. But his drive for perfection is no accident: he carries a deadly secret he can never escape.

Tory Murphy has seen it all-at least three or four times. As an emergency medicine doctor, she's patched up more bullet wounds than she can count. She can diagnose anyone at twenty paces, except Charlie. His secrets are locked down tight. And although the heat between them is obvious, he's always kept her at arm's length.

Until one steamy night when their walls tumble down and the fire between them roars to life, hotter than either of them ever imagined.

But when a horrific homicide case lands on Charlie's desk, it sets off a bomb that leaves him reeling. His façade shredded, Charlie makes a series of terrible decisions, destroying the perfect life he's built. The only good thing left is Tory-and his undeniable love for her. But is love enough to pull Charlie back from the brink of self-destruction?

**Winner of the IPPY Gold Medal in Romance 2022**

Author's note: The main character of Take Your Charming Somewhere Else is a trauma survivor with PTSD and uses alcohol to treat it. I'm a neurodivergent author who has suffered severe trauma in my past and dealt with a lifetime of PTSD. Like all of the books in the Hollywood Lights series, Take Your Charming Somewhere Else centers neurodiversity and carefully handles trauma.

It also features a seriously hot lawyer in dire need of some sexual healing, a tough-as-nails doctor who can give it, the world's best adopted dog, angst for days, and a happily-ever-after.

Content Note: Take Your Charming Somewhere Else features strong romantic elements with some steamy and fade-to-black scenes. There are flashback scenes of child abuse and neglect by parents, of attempted killing by poisoning, and of self-defense killing by gun. 

The IPPY-Gold-winning Hollywood Lights series is full of angst, romance, family drama, deep friendship ties, and happily ever afters. The series is now complete. Perfect for fans of Colleen Hoover.

"Do not miss this emotional tour-de-force-or anything Pryal writes." -Washington Post bestselling author Kelly Harms

EAN: 9781947834552
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Katie Rose Pryal
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