The Cruising DeadS - Thims Divad
- Vol 1 The Chosen One
The story as told by ‘a Chosen One.' She is given the task by the Divine Gods to find a cure and heal the cracks in the celestial realms. Keeping Logs while traveling from Hollywood to the harbors of New York. She needs to convince every earthling on her travels to go to the cruise ships. The vessels are destined for the safe shores of Derry, Europe, and China. These countries are rich in tradition and hold the answers and the prayers to save Earthanity. The story begins in the year 1000, and the ships set sail to Ireland during 2016. This is Volume 1 of the series of The Cruising DeadS.
Each volume will follow the time continuum of present day and will keep you on your toes, with unimaginable tales from around the globe. The realms of the universe surrounding the earthling’s planet are about to get even more meaningful. And you thought that the Zombies were your worst nightmare? Will the earthlings survive? I hope so, otherwise no one will be reading my logs, or perhaps the DeadS will evolve and I will have a new readership base.
This is not, just another Zombie or Walking Dead book, the stories will make you curl up and check who is behind you, it will make you laugh, cry and turn away in disgust. Each book in the series will have you thinking and testing your knowledge with a small crossword at the end of each Log. Get it correct and you could win prizes.
EAN: 9781912039005