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The Voices of Vietnam, Veterans Speaking Out - Attaway Anelda L

The Voices of Vietnam, Veterans Speaking Out - Attaway Anelda L

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This book is to honor all of the soldiers/Veterans that served in the Vietnam War. The war began on November 1, 1955 and ended on April 30, 1975. However, the U.S. got involved in Vietnam in1954. The United States sent supplies and advisors until 1965.

Most importantly, this book was written to tell the Vietnam Veterans story from their personal experiences. Some of the Veterans we asked said that the experience was too painful to talk or write about. Their concerns were that they would have flashbacks or nightmares as the result of telling their story. It would be like reliving it all over again. Some of them were diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Therefore, we will honor them by listing their names in a section of this book. We will also honor any deceased Veterans, which includes my mother's Jean A. Glover-Scott's late husband Cleveland Scott Jr., known as Big Bo or Scott, and our cousin Hazell Henry McNeely known as Winks. Deborah McNeely will tell the story of her beloved late husband. These two women are their loving wives.

These stories are not easy to read, but they will give you a picture of all they endured to keep our country safe. They are truly remarkable.

It will also educate you regarding Agent Orange and the effects it had on our soldiers. Agent Orange is an herbicide and defoliant chemical. It is widely known for its use by the U.S. military as part of its chemical warfare program during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. Millions of gallons of which had been dumped by U.S. planes on the dense forests of Vietnam.

All of the soldiers were exposed and affected by this chemical. Even their children may have been affected. Some Vets were fortunate to get a diagnosis, but most did not. But as you read through each soldier's story of their experiences, you will agree with my mother and I that many of their health issues were due to Aging Orange, and they did not get the proper health care or respect.

The vision for this book is to show our Vietnam Veterans that we care and appreciate their service. We are sorry that they were not honored and treated as heroes. It breaks our hearts-whenever we see a Vet homeless. After serving our country and suffering the way they did, both the soldier and their immediate families (Wife and children) should never have to ask for anything. They should have been given the royal treatment as if they were celebrities. They shouldn't be concerned about money, housing, health benefits, nor insurance.

We pray that this book will open everyone's eyes regarding the chemical used in the war called Agent Orange and the many health issues it causes for them and children. We want to give our gratitude to Aaron Douglas, the President of Veterans Ministry at Pilgrim Baptist Church, for his diligent service and support of Veterans from every branch and wars. He fights for Veterans' benefits and their rights. His story is included in this book. God Bless the soldiers that made it back home and may the deceased Rest-in Peace.

EAN: 9781735787442
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Attaway Anelda L
Attaway Anelda L
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4.82 / 5.00 10184 opinii
Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
zdecydowanie polecam ! wiadomości o kolejnych etapach realizacji zamówienia i szybka dostawa :)
Kupiłem wszystkie audioboki Gry o Tron. I mimo, iż były to płyty CD, to i tak najtaniej z wszystkich innych sklepów.