Invertebrate America - Haley Dr. E. N.
- The Spiritual Implosion!
Invertebrate America (IA) gives an overview of America’s declining moral and spiritual values from a biblical perspective. It explains God’s impending judgement on a nation that calls evil good and good evil vis-a-vis: same sex marriage, homosexuality, corporate greed, secret societies surreptitiously influencing business, education and government. It shares how biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes. Read the books of Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Matthew and Revelation. It sheds some light on the coming one world government and one world religion. In short IA is a wakeup call to those who are searching for the truth and purpose of this world’s existence! Learn why George Washington was leery of a two party dominated political system.
EAN: 9781641518031