Arise Beloved - Puglise CC Evans
- How Ordinary Women Awaken to Extraordinary Lives
Perhaps you are like me. A woman living in a confusing and chaotic time, bells and whistles all around. Distracting us. Beckoning us.
Enveloped in noise. Nonsense. Perhaps you too, can daily toy with the knowing that you can drive through any of twenty-three local restaurants and pick up dinner. Push
buttons on appliances for anything you need to get done around the house, let appliances do the hard and grimy work.
Perhaps you, too, hold the knowing that we cannot heal ourselves. We cannot throw solutions for our distress into our Amazon cart and have
them delivered in 2 days Prime. But, we can follow paths to freedom. We can admit where our lives are fractured, desperate for repair, and
begin to heal. We can begin to put down our excuses, our distractions, put on our brave, cry out for a new day where everything that has held us back
can make us taller than we would have ever been without the struggle.
EAN: 9781640880832