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By Faith - Sam Polson
AutorzySam Polson

By Faith - Sam Polson

  • Timeless Insights for Staying on Course from Hebrews 11
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By Faith, Pastor Sam Polson’s latest offering will be welcomed by serious Bible students. By Faith explores the great faith chapter, Hebrews 11, with a very helpful and convicting focus on practical application. Each chapter closes with an amazing “self-help” tool, R.E.A.P. (Read, Examine, Apply, Pray). Each chapter is punctuated with useful comments. For example, “If God is your co-pilot, you’re in the wrong seat!” All in all, By Faith will be a helpful addition to the library of any serious Bible student.”

Dr. Steve Euler, retired Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Chattanooga

'When it comes to effectively reaching our goals in life, fundamentals are always the key to success. That is exactly what I believe Pastor Sam Polson has done in his new book, By Faith. In this book, he not only points out the fundamentals of our faith in such a way that makes it easy to comprehend, but he leads the believer down a path to living out their faith, practically, in clear and logical steps. You will be blessed!”

Mark Kirk, Senior Pastor of Calvary Knoxville

'Every Christian needs God’s Word as an anchor to pause, breathe, reflect and meditate upon. In By Faith, Pastor Polson gives a carefully crafted anchor, using Hebrews 11 as the canvass to help you REAP the gifts of God.”

Dr. David Trempe, Executive Chaplain, Royal Chaplain Corps 

'Some books should be tasted; some should be savored; a few should be devoured. By Faith, written by my longtime friend, Sam Polson, fits the final category. He encourages the reader to embrace both the blessings and challenges experienced by those who follow God. His exposition of Hebrews 11 unlocks the door to a new understanding of our life journey with one important key—FAITH. Sam's pastoral heart and genuine concern for all people flow through these pages (which are filled with winsome Biblical content and 'folksy' storytelling that engage both mind and heart) and equip a person to live in a way that brings pleasure to God Himself. (Hebrews 11:6) I recommend it wholeheartedly.”

Marvin Brubacher, Executive Director of MentorLink Canada

“Each follower of Jesus has a personalized version of the faithful heroes of Hebrews 11. Men and women who have set the pace for our journeys of faith. Sam Polson is one of the faithful heroes in my life. Through By Faith, you will be encouraged by the heart, the hope, and the wisdom that has encouraged my journey for almost two decades.”

Rick Dunn, Lead Pastor of Fellowship Church Knoxville

EAN: 9781643700359
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Sam Polson
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