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Billionaire Romance - Alessandra Bancroft

Billionaire Romance - Alessandra Bancroft

  • The Billionaire's Private Island Complete Series: 3 in 1 Box Set
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The Billionaire’s Private Island Complete Series!

Book 1

Multi-Billionaire Luke “The Bullet” Garmont is devastatingly handsome, lonely, horny, and sick of gold-diggers.  He lost his heart when the love of his life died – not his libido.  When he can take it no more, he comes up with a brilliant plan to use his wealth to buy happiness – ten gorgeous women worth of happiness, all at once, on a private island, and all his!  Luke purchases a Caribbean island paradise and builds ten mansions filled with all the things a woman could want; and then one giant mansion for himself.  He then hires ten of the best matchmakers in the world.  He promises them millions if they can help him find the perfect playmate – not a wife. 

Book 2

He’s positive that the best way to find the right one is to get to know them when they think they have no competition.  He anticipates their arrival with glee.  He’ll woo them with everything their greedy little hearts could possibly desire.  Custom-built mansions designed to cater to their every whim, whirlwind romance, moonlit walks, the finest cuisine, horseback riding across his beautiful island, sky diving – anything at all to find his perfect woman.

He’ll find a woman to be on his arm and in his bed and never, ever, in his heart.  She’ll be beautiful and controllable, and they’ll be an unstoppable power couple to build his empire.

Book 3

Billionaire Luke “The Bullet” Garmount has narrowed down the field of beautiful women on his tropical island to just five girls.  Romance and seduction in a beautiful setting, of truly gorgeous potential companions – what could be better?  He dates each of them in turn, trying to find his perfect match, but things go seriously awry as the competition between the girls intensifies.

The girls sabotage each other, trying to outthink the rumors that fly between them.  The backstabbing and trickery turns potentially deadly – seriously injuring one of the contenders.  The investigation doesn’t turn up anything helpful before the billionaire has to make another choice and narrow the field down to two.

Luke decides to spend a whole week with each of them. 

Will dangerous schemes shatter his chance at love forever?

WARNING: This is an erotic romance book.  It contains graphic language, strong emotion, and passionate love scenes.

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EAN: 9781640482128
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Alessandra Bancroft
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