AMERICA - Ojirika-nzeribe Amaka
America is a great country.
I'm very lucky to be blessed by the Almighty God, himself.
I remember growing up in Africa that I always wished I would come to America. On December 25th, 1999, my dreams came true. I landed in the United States of America, in Dallas, Texas. That was the happiest day of my life.
The first thing I noticed was that there was so much food everywhere. I was shocked. I started crying because I remembered what we had gone through in Africa just to survive. We had to go to the stream twice a day, every day, to fetch water, and we had to carry it back home on our heads before we could cook. I wished I could carry some of the food back to my friends. I was actually in awe that there was light every day and running water around the clock.
I knew that this great move had been chosen by God, and He has blessed us so much. I couldn't believe that my dreams had come true. I said to myself, "You are actually in the United States. No more suffering. You can now be who you want to be." I couldn't sleep for so many nights, because I was so excited about everything. I said to myself, "Now, I have the privilege to better my life. I wouldn't have had this kind of opportunity if I was still back in Africa."
Psalms 33:12 reads, "Blessed are the nations whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance."
EAN: 9781637920183