Network Marketing - Charles F. Amick
- How to Play by Your Own Rules and Win: A Practical Guide to Earning Money Through Ethics and Common Sense
Network Marketing: How To Play By Your Own Rules and Win offers an alternative to the traditional plan: an alternative that encourages you to follow your own path to success. Together, we'll start with your first day of network marketing and journey through to your prospecting campaigns. We'll discuss what really works for you and why, and we'll identify warning signs you should watch for. We'll even confront topics that "experts" are afraid to address. By gaining the benefits of proven advice, you'll learn exactly how to achieve your goals.
Network marketing can provide you with the happiness, security, and comfort you desire, but only if you succeed. Network Marketing: How To Play By Your Own Rules and Win is the key to discovering the secrets and solutions you need to finally win the game of network marketing.
EAN: 9781581128673