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The Impatient Lord - Michelle M. Pillow

The Impatient Lord - Michelle M. Pillow

  • A Qurilixen World Novel
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NYT ' USAT Bestselling Author 

An unlucky bride... 

Riona Grey lives life on her own terms, traveling wherever the next spaceship is flying and doing what she must to get by. When her luck turns sour, she finds herself on a bridal ship heading to a marriage ceremony. A planet of shifters seeking mates wasn't exactly what she had in mind as a final destination. Just when she thinks things couldn't possibly get worse, she wakes up months later in an isolation chamber with a sexy, hovering dragonshifter telling her they're meant to be together...forever. 

The impatient groom... 

After years of failed marriage attempts at the festivals, the gods finally revealed Lord Mirek's bride...a day too late. Eager to have her, he defied tradition and laid claim. But it is a mistake to go against the gods and his new wife was the one to pay the price of his impatience. 

Now almost a year later, his bride is finally waking from her deep sleep. With one look from her, he feels the eagerness to claim her overtaking him once more. Fearful she'll slip through his grasp, he's hesitant to anger the gods by taking her to his bed too soon. But, how can he resist the one thing that would make his life complete, especially when she looks at him with eyes of a seductress? This is one test he can't fail, and yet with one of her sweet kisses he knows he may already have lost. 


About the Series Books 5 - 8 
The Noblemen brothers aren't new to the sacred Qurilixian bridal ceremony. After several failed attempts at finding a bride, it's hard to get excited about yet another festival. No matter how honorable they try to live, it would seem fate thinks them unworthy of such happiness-that is until now. 

With very few words spoken and the shortest, most bizarre courtship in history, they will bond to their women forever. And once bonded, these men don't let go... 

A Qurilixen World Novel
Paranormal Dragonshifting Sci Fi Romance

EAN: 9781625011763
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Michelle M. Pillow
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