Wrong Turns, Right Moves in Education - Rhea Deborah Ed.D.
As an American educator with decades of experience, Dr. Deborah J. Rhea had a burning desire to know why Finland's educational system was top ranked in the world, while the United States fell in the middle of the pack. She made it her mission to learn what she could.
Rhea took a six-week trip to Finland, where she lived and learned from the best in their schools and government. During that period, her observations revealed that her generation experienced life and education very differently from children today. The philosophies and principles she saw reflected in the Finnish educational system helped open her eyes to the many wrong turns that the United States has made in education over the last thirty years. What's more, Rhea presents the right moves needed to get the country back on track for a healthier, happier method of educating children.
In this study, an experienced educator compares the educational approaches of Finland and the United States, considering ways that the latter might be adjusted and improved.
EAN: 9781480874459