Mitchell's Big Book Concordance - Mitchell William P.
This book is a concordance to help you find, study, and live the teachings of the “Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous. A concordance is an alphabetical index of principal words. Along with these words is given the chapter, page, and line number, to help you find your word or topic in every place in the book that it shows up.
You will be amazed at how quickly you can find what you are looking for, how clear the whole picture becomes when you can locate all the parts in the “Big Book” that pertain to the subject you are searching for. Subject by subject, thought by thought, you can have the knowledge you need more quickly than ever before.
You can do word studies faster than you ever imagined and find the phrase you want to quote in a moment’s time, with this tool. Put together topics like, new freedoms, prayer, what God can do, what resentment does to us, and many more. Sobriety coupled with spiritual progress, is our main goal so that we can be “happy, joyous and free.” This book will help you to attain that.
On the last few pages are listed some of the teachings from the “Big Book” and a few topics I put together myself that are not only helpful but show you what you can do when you start using this book. It ends with a poem that tells who we are.
EAN: 9781462402816