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Destined to Do Damage - Louis Trammell II

Destined to Do Damage - Louis Trammell II

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In the book of Joel, the Bible says that I will restore to you the years that the locust have eaten, the cankerworm, the caterpillar, and the palmerworm (Joel 2:25 KJV) God has a way of restoring your life. Even when you feel like you have wasted your entire life. For years, I have always wondered what my life would have been like, had I not made the bad choices that I have made. Because of the call on my life, I should've been preaching the Gospel at the age of fifteen. But at the age of fifteen, I was a wild teenager doing everything that I was big and bad enough to do. It's amazing how God doesn't change His mind concerning us. I had to find this out for myself. Several years ago, I was told through prophecy, that I would write a book about my life and that it will be a blessing to many. I never thought that I would write a book, especially one about my testimony. Whenever God reveals something to you that He wants to you to accomplish and it seems as though it is impossible, that's how you know it is God. My story may be a little difficult for some to read about, be it must be told. Someone out there needs to read about it. God allowed me to go through the things that you will read about in this book so that He, and He alone will receive the glory. For years I have struggled with the "why me" syndrome. I blamed God for all of the things that He so graciously allowed me to go through and experience. God showed me that I had placed the blame on the wrong person and showed me my "real enemy". The Bible says that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the words of our testimony (Rev. 12:11 KJV). A real testimony wields the power to break the powers of darkness off of another person's mind. Only God can deliver us out of the clutches of Satan and form us into vessels of honor. It is my prayer that my testimony blesses the lives of every reader for the glory of God. Author Louis Trammell II

EAN: 9780984325580
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Publishing Jazzy Kitty
Louis Trammell II
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Kupiłem wszystkie audioboki Gry o Tron. I mimo, iż były to płyty CD, to i tak najtaniej z wszystkich innych sklepów.
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