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Angel Flights - Charlton Baer
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Angel Flights - Charlton Baer

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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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As Los Angeles comes of age in the 1960s, two undercover cops, posing as bikers, struggle to maintain their balance in the growing drug trade.  Boundaries are broken and borders are crossed in an effort to do good—while doing bad.

The newcomer, Gabe, learns from a few masters in the game of life, love, and staying alive while undercover. He soon finds that “Normal” is a meaningless word civilian society makes up. His first master teaches him that the books (on being a cop) don’t know squat. The next cop shows him that being irreverent and unconventional in the approach of doing their job, gets results.

As part of his cover, Gabe buys a house in the neighborhood that is serviced by his old precinct. Some old habits die hard. His understanding for those that still wear the uniform runs deeper than a commercial coffee maker and more open handed than the back-door that has no lock. Soon he finds that he must learn to deal with what becomes more like a frat house with a very large snake running loose.

After a bar fight, the team is one man down. But there is a more important job to be done: running young girls into Mexico for illegal abortions. 

A group of doctors and nurses had become tired of young teens coming into emergency rooms still bleeding from botched abortions up back allyways. They bought a hacienda south of the border, and had bikers bring the girls across on Friday evening and return them on Sunday. 

When Gabe rushes one girl back to the United States to save her life, he sticks around. Cricket is only fourteen, scared, and alone. Through the days of her recovery from emergency surgery, he gets to know her. He is by her side around the clock. With the days, she comes to understand just what an Angel really is.

They part ways, but not before Gabe lets her know how she can find him if she ever needs her Angel.

Three years later, a phone call in the night brings it all into focus—for a battle to save her life.

EAN: 9780984966677
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Charlton Baer
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