Working Class U.S.A. - Gus Hall
THROUGHOUT THE AGES RULING CLASSES HAVE DOWNPLAYED, covered up and suppressed the notion that there is any such thing as a class struggle. And yet human history is one story after another of the masses of people fighting for and winning their freedom from exploiters and oppressors. That is the class struggle.
Nowhere in the world is it more important to keep this fact in mind than in our country with a ruling class unmatched by any in its efforts to deny that the class struggle exists - particularly in the "classless" USA. The class struggle in the United States is an untold story. It is not taught in the schools, never mentioned by Republicans or Democrats, there are no shows about it on TV nor stories in the major newspapers. But it goes on as a daily part of our lives. It affects everything.
There is no subject of more importance or consequence than the class struggle. There is no power greater than the working class. And there is no more noble struggle than for the working class to rid humanity forever of the dog-eat-dog of exploitative class society. It is the hope that this book will give aid and understanding to my fellow workers and fighters in this greatest of all struggles. These are stories from the frontline of that struggle.
EAN: 9780717806591