Meat and Bone - Sandra Feen
Sandra Feen is a member of the poetry troupe Concrete
Wink, with Rikki Santer and Chuck Salmons. She has been a
featured reader in venues in and out of Ohio for over 30 years
as well as a former co-facilitator for several Columbus, Ohio
reading series. In addition, she performs work by Holocaust
writers in Susan Millard Schwarz’s Anahata Music Project. A
member of the Ohio Poetry Association, Bistro Poets, former
associate editor of Pudding Magazine and former director of
the Ohio Poetry Therapy Writers’ Group, Sandy has a BFA in
Creative Writing and a BS in English Education from Bowling
Green State University, as well as an MA in Literature from
Wright State University. She was one of twelve teachers selected
for a National Endowment of the Arts first “Change Course”
program through Wright State University’s Institute on Writing
and Its Teaching. Her most recent publications include 2019’s
The Gasconade Review’s Storm A’Comin’! and The National
Beat Poetry Foundation, Inc. We Are Beat 2019 Anthology.
A collection of her poems was named finalist for The Lascaux
Review’s 2018 Lascaux Poetry Prize. Her book, Fragile Capacities:
School Poems (NightBallet Press 2018) — nominated for the
Ohioana Book Award—highlights her 32-year teaching career
in an urban school system.The poem “Palms Monday” was
nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She lives in Grove City, Ohio.
EAN: 9781950380565