WELLNESS - Dr Martin Melva
- A Way of Life
Dr Melva Martin, an experienced naturopath, instructs the reader on inexpensive, home remedies that puts natural healing techniques within reach of everyone. Well-rounded and thoughtfully compiled this guide addresses the individual - body, mind, spirit and our place in the universe. It is filled with effective approaches, doable techniques and treatments. You may not choose to use all techniques included in this book, but you will learn the overarching aspects of health and holistic healing and find various treatment options to guide your journey forward. Melva suggests that it is wise to partner with your doctor as well as learn what we can do for ourselves before resorting to a medicine for every malady along life's highway. She suggests the time has come to return most of the care to our homes, our prayers, our kitchens, and our gardens and to discover that wellness is a way of life.
EAN: 9781953791184