Whistleblower - Shane Thawer
- Setting The Record Straight
WHISTLEBLOWER is the story of Shane Thawer, an entrepreneur about to launch satellite TV over Africa. Technologically, all is in place but the project is met with interference at every turn. This is a modern-day thriller about a man under siege by corporate and governmental forces.
The interference started with SES, followed by Globecast, Wananchi Group, and DVEO. They dragged in Eutelsat who further complicated the matter by dragging in Israeli/Jewish criminals and intelligence agencies (Canada ' US) to block a lawsuit against Eutelsat in Canada. For this they used criminal means. The intelligence agencies did not conduct this without indirect involvement of the RCMP, CSIS, Canada Immigration and direct involvement of the US Military.
WHISTLEBLOWER is a terrifying saga of broken promises, broken contracts, hacked emails, taped phone calls and constant surveillance. Thawer even endures attacks on his life. The reader is pulled deep into the darkness of international industrial espionage.
EAN: 9780228836735