The Jungle Book Stories - Kipling Rudyard
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a clever mongoose who is determined to protect the human family he lives with. What happens when Nag, the cobra, shows up in the garden with evil plans on his mind? Mugger of Mugger-Ghaut has lived an exciting life and tells grand stories to Jackal and Adjutant Crane, little knowing that the greatest threat is lurking close by in the form of the White Man. Kotick is an unusual seal. Not only is his fur white, but he is also filled with curiosity and a sense of adventure. After he witnesses the brutal killing of seals by humans, he decides to find a place where no human can reach. And so begins his search through the icy waters of the Arctic. Can he find such a place and claim the leadership of his pack of seals?
Elephants who dance, camels that talk, tailor birds with louder voices than brains, the desolation of an Arctic winter, high tales of cunning and bravery—all of these come alive in the brilliance of Rudyard Kipling’s writing. Go wild with this collection of stories on and about animals from the classic Jungle Book, now with a wonderful introduction by Ranjit Lal.
EAN: 9789389231816