Set for the Defense of the Gospel - Michael David McCubbins
- Volume 2
The doctrine of the security of the believer certainly is important, but its importance can only be related to the believer. For that reason an individual must know that he has believed the Gospel of the Bible and not a false gospel. Why would we want to assure someone that his salvation is secure, if he is not truly saved? We must first rid him of any false hope before we can show him security in the true hope of the Biblical Gospel.
As we look at our society around us, we are shocked at the godlessness that exists. Day by day our world is sliding downward into an abyss that has no light. God tells us to call men out of the darkness and into the light. Lately though, many churches have a message that leaves men in darkness, and even takes the darkness into the church to make them feel comfortable.
We look at the large “evangelical” churches with thousands of members and we have to ask ourselves, with so many “Christians” in our nation, how have we had so little effect? Today, in addition to legalized abortion, we also have gender identity, homosexual marriage, and so many other godless things. Perhaps we are reaping the consequences of years of preaching a perverted gospel that has filled the pews without actually changing hearts. The solution that some offer makes “commitment” part of the gospel; but in so doing, they have created a different gospel, a gospel that changes the grace of God for the works of man.
EAN: 9781630733025