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Pyrography for Beginners Handbook - Stephen Fleming

Pyrography for Beginners Handbook - Stephen Fleming

  • Learn to Burn Guide in Wood Burning with Starter Projects and Patterns
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There are very few crafts in the world which gives as much satisfaction as Pyrography- Anonymous

Whether you are a Technology professional like me or Financial Consultant or a Teacher, we all need to unwind and splash our creative juices once in a while and appreciate the power of imagination.

 This book is targeted at people from diverse backgrounds, trying Pyrography as a beginner and looking for to the point, minimalistic, value-packed information to start off with their first project.

Why Pyrography?

Of all the crafts I have done, Pyrography is the most value for money. It gives me immense satisfaction and serves the purpose for which I practice the art on the weekends.

The best part is this art has got something for everyone.

If you are a beginner, get a scrap wood and use your existing soldering pen to start the artwork. Later, you can shift to a proper burner. If you like calligraphy, you can burn letters. A friend of mine is a space enthusiast, and he is making space ships!

With experience, you master the art of shading, which gives depth to the artwork. Drawing hair, fur, or skin of an animal takes time, but it is worthwhile to put the effort.

The best part of this skill is it makes one of the best presents for the loved ones. As the art ages with time, it leaves a memorable piece of history to the coming generation.

The best person to guide you is the one few steps ahead of you!

This is not a traditional book but an effort from your friend to present the experience and discussions while learning this art in the last few years. I am not an expert (there are many I know who are just fabulous) but just a learner improving with each project.

This book provides a minimalistic approach to the information required to start your first Pyrography project. It covers:

  • Introduction to the art: The history and steps involved
  • Tools: All about tools involved: Detailed instructions on using Wood Burner including different tips
  • Designing, Tracing, and Shading: I must say the shading part only comes by practicing!
  • Coloring, Polishing, and Finishing
  • Safety Instructions: Very important and highlighted all through the book
  • Step by Step instructions on 10 starter projects with pictures
  • Frequently Asked Questions (All the ones I could remember and not covered in other chapters)
  • Sample Designs: Mandala, Tiger, Dragon, and more.

I still remember the initial doubts I had and the tips which helped me.

This book is for people who are in their first lap of Pyrography journey and want to have a holistic idea of processes, tools and need help in their initial projects.

I have included photographs of realistic projects of beginners explaining the process and standard operating procedure while starting.

So, what are you waiting for? Get this updated book and start your Pyrography Journey Today!


EAN: 9781647130374
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Stephen Fleming
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