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Justice Machine - Mark Furness

Justice Machine - Mark Furness

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When a Pillar of Society robs you blind. And the Law turns a blind eye. Who can YOU turn to?

Try the trio from Firefly Electrics!

A new breed of Public Protectors...

---Artful avengers, dangerous subversives, lovely young men. Lennie and Joe - and their cockatoo, Rawcus - have heard it all. It's all true.---

Suburban Sydney electricians by day, they fight crime in the shadows of the city; crime the establishment can't touch, won't touch, or gives a sly nod to.

Lennie calls it rewiring society. Joe reckons they're simply fixing bad people. Rawcus just wants a cold beer after a hard day on the power grid.

Now they're wanted for Crimes against Crime.

In Justice Machine - Book #1 in the Firefly Electrics Series of dark comedy crime thrillers - Lennie and Joe thank their lucky stars when they are fishing at dawn on a city wharf and a small fortune falls from the sky into their laps during a cargo-loading accident. They escape without being ID'd, and know exactly how to distribute the windfall. But have their stars been knocked out of alignment?

When Lennie's ex-parole officer, Trixi Talaveda, drops into their home for a chat about the missing cash, accompanied by the giant Enoka brothers, life becomes trickier than ever.

Will this new peril derail their plans to re-educate a man who persuaded Lennie's beloved Aunty Doreen that money really did "grow on trees" - and drove her to the grave?

Might a sea voyage with Aunty D's tormentor aboard their little yacht, Flamingo Sky, solve all their problems? Or might it all end in disaster?

Meet the Aussie Avengers today!

More Pulp Fiction. Less Jack Reacher. All Sweet Justice.

"These eccentric inner-city Sydney crusaders are a whole new adventure in crime capers and my favourite series of the year so far...quirky and refreshingly wry. Furness has already scored top level in the international crime thriller genre with his gripping 'Under Eden' trilogy." Tom Flood, Winner of the Miles Franklin Award, Australia's equivalent of the US Pulitzer Prize and the UK Booker Prize.

"Redolent of Lord Of The Flies and Of Mice And Men...A post-Zen Batman and Robin...Lennie and Joe, and their pet, Rawcus, configure a doctorate in elegant, fair-minded Gonzo retribution of the order of Pulp Fiction mixed with a fair slug of Wes Anderson's attention to detail..." Clare AK - Writers Vic.

EAN: 9780648529910
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Mark Furness
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