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Think Like Einstein - Peter Hollins

Think Like Einstein - Peter Hollins

  • Think Smarter, Creatively Solve Problems, and Sharpen Your Judgment. How to Develop a Logical Approach to Life and Ask the Right Questions
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Develop clarity of thought. Avoid analysis paralysis. Make better decisions. Gain the mental edge on anyone and never miss a beat.

Clear and effective thinking clashes with most of our instincts and habits. Think Like Einstein will shine a light onto the mistakes you’ve been making and show you how to defeat them once and for all.

Learn to think outside the box.

Think Like Einstein is a scientifically proven guide for improving your critical thinking skills and developing a sense of intuition and judgment. You will learn how to attack problems from a multitude of angles and generate solutions that previously seemed impossible.

This book is not a simple list of tips – it is full of 100% actionable insights into human psychology and action patterns. Discover what is holding you back from quick strategic thinking and decision making that can make huge differences in your life.

Analyze situations, people, and data better.

Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success.

Create consistent flashes of insight in your daily life.

•Discover the four types of obstacles to clear thinking.
What Mozart, Chess, and brain training programs mean for you.
•How an ancient Greek method can help you discover your information gaps.
How to make optimal decisions with the given information.

Work smarter; not harder. Improve your focus and productivity.

•How to help your brain perform at its peak.
How to think creatively in any situation.
•Understanding everyday data, statistics, and probabilities.
Einstein’s most effective thinking technique.

These are the skills that allow you to live the life you want.

It was Socrates himself who once said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

When you can think effectively and creatively, you will be able to tackle your problems and take advantage of your opportunities. You will work faster than others, catch more mistakes, discover more insight, and create better outcomes and conclusions. Thinking better doesn’t just help you in school or work – it helps you with people, fixing the toilet, and even deciding what to eat for dinner. You will be able to find the path of least resistance yet biggest impact consistently. You might not discover a new theory of relativity like the book’s namesake, but you will gain a drastically different approach to life.

EAN: 9781647430177
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Peter Hollins
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