And So We Come Forth - Nelson Richard
"A minor masterpiece...that authenticates Zoom as a grown-up dramatic medium." Five Stars
Sunday Times (UK)
"The question hangs in the virtual air of AND SO WE COME FORTH, Richard Nelson's wistfully stirring new Apple Family play. 'What have we done to ourselves?'"
The Washington Post
The New York Times
"Richard Nelson's extraordinary, intimate saga."
"Couldn't be more current, more relevant, more poignant, more powerful."
Northwest Herald (Illinois)
"The effect is kind of a balm to the audience as we identify with the family's unease, uncertainty, and unfamiliar emotions.... The family ask[s] whether art will still be important as part of the human experience in whatever the new world there will be after this... This play is itself the answer."
Gay City News
"The Apple Family is back, offering much-needed comfort... By giving voice to the anxieties and angers felt by so many these days, Nelson's characters have become old friends..."
Lighting and Sound America
"The beauty of Nelson's Apple Family Cycle lies in the context. Like the concentric circles in Chekhov's plays, characters contemplate the past and the future."
Theater Pizzazz
EAN: 9780881458886