Gunpowder Green - Paul W. Feenstra
A nostalgic and colourful collection
of rural New Zealand short-stories
In the tradition of iconic Kiwi short-stories, Gunpowder Green is a nostalgic look into New Zealand's unique and colourful past. Light-hearted, humorous and even thought provoking, each story is varied and highlights New Zealand rural living, a diverse culture and a forgotten yet very familiar lifestyle.
From the tragic reality of families being torn apart during WWII, Gangway to War, captures the heart, while The Mechanic rekindles fond, youthful memories and ends with a satisfying conclusion. Entertaining, fast paced and real, the stories reflect New Zealand life as it was.
Gunpowder Green offers a wholesome laugh in this wonderful character driven story. From Sheryl, the alluring local barmaid in 148 Pastoral Road, to the resilient, Mr. Prakash, the dairy owner in, A Flaming Mess. These stories reflect the best of New Zealand life in an entertaining, easy-to-read anthology of suspense, humour, and drama.
EAN: 9780473574017