Tarzan's Jungle Plane - Michael Malan
In Tarzan’s Jungle Plane, Michael Malan interrogates the world, and exposes its wonders and absurdities with an elastic imagination, and a quizzical, mordant wit. These are prose poems of great tensile strength—they hold firm even against the most mind-bending jump-cuts, psychic jolts, and astonishing events. Malan recognizes that the miraculous and the humdrum are simply two sides of the same coin, and as he makes clear in the title poem, he’s not afraid to “let the monkey fly the plane.
Michael Malan is the author of Overland Park (Blue Light Press, 2017), a collection of poetry and flash fiction. His work has appeared in Epoch, Cincinnati Review, Tampa Review, Washington Square, Grist, Denver Quarterly, Poetry East, and many other journals. He is the editor of Cloudbank, a literary journal published in Corvallis, Oregon.
EAN: 9781421836362