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Case of the Great Cranberry Caper - Jeffrey M. Poole

Case of the Great Cranberry Caper - Jeffrey M. Poole

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Readers are loving this cozy mystery series with its two indomitable dog sleuths. Zack, Jillian and the corgis, Sherlock and Watson, are at it again in this delightful series that pulls you right in.


Zack, Jillian, and the corgis find themselves in the midst of a new mystery with a Thanksgiving twist. Just as they are planning a big holiday dinner, there are no cranberries to be found in the shops. In cozy Pomme Valley and other nearby towns someone is breaking in and stealing only the cranberries! What's up with that?


The trail takes them to some unexpected places-meteorites? diamonds? missing baby formula?-and Zack is never sure where his trusty canine detective companions will lead him. Will the corgi duo, Sherlock and Watson, be able to sniff out the clues and discover who is behind the treacherous deed, in time to save holiday meals everywhere?


Praise for Jeffrey Poole and the Corgi Case files:


"Mr. Poole is pure genius at tying together a great murder mystery - with plenty of drama, suspense, and even a few laughs thrown in." - 5 stars, online review


"... the [books] are like Potato chips - you can't just eat one! So pick this one up and delve into the world of mystery, fun and intrigue...you won't be sorry!" - C. Nantz, 5 stars on Amazon


"I can't wait for the next book. I love mysteries and animals, so these books are perfect reading for me. Sherlock is a small furry Jessica Fletcher." - H. Dudley, 5 stars online review


"The best thing--this guy loves the corgis, as I do, and he describes their behavior very well. Looking forward to future stories." - 5 stars, Amazon


"An intriguing story with a wonderful cast of characters. The plot was excellent and filled with twists and turns it kept my interest to the very end!" - 5 stars on Amazon


"I absolutely love this series. If you like a good story, great characters and seriously smart and lovable canines, you'll love this book. Start with the first book and work your way through the Corgi Case Files. They just keep getting better." - K. Underwood, 5 stars online review


"Love love love this series!!! One of my favorites, the characters are fun and real. But of course Sherlock and Watson are the best, who wouldn't want corgis like them! Can't wait for the next book!" - C. Woody, 5 stars, Amazon

EAN: 9781649140418
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Jeffrey M. Poole
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