Motivated by Wicked Intention - Bell Carol
Throughout the process of writing this memoir, I was exposed
to a world I previously had no knowledge of. I learned about
the personal and secretive lives some people have. I learned
about the facades some people, even Christians, put on so
that we believe they are people they truly are not. I gained
knowledge of how witchcraft and the church are connected.
I learned that the subject matter of witchcraft or black magic
doesn’t have a voice, because no one speaks on this type of
issue; even if the person was plagued by such. I learned that
a person that was once tainted by witchcraft does not talk
about such topics. There are tons of books and videos on
the subject but no one is concerned because it doesn’t affect
them. I view life and the world around me in a different way.
Society has become irresponsible and has lost all moral and
respect for mankind. I also learned that immoral behavior
is not caused by our intent but rather influenced by negative
thoughts and actions, which attract evil spirits. I discovered
why people get angry with one another, get violent, and don’t
understand why. Throughout all my experiences, I became a
stronger, more understanding, and less judgmental person.
I now better understand what God is like and the way he
EAN: 9781970160130