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Mental Discipline - Lawrence Micolis

Mental Discipline - Lawrence Micolis

  • A Complete Guide to Control Your Thoughts, Increase Your Willpower and Achieve More
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Here's How You Can Break Bad Habits, Develop Mental Discipline, And Get One Step Closer To Your Goals!

Imagine if there was a start-over option in life. Just like in video games, you could press one button and "Restart Mission" - avoiding previous mistakes and achieving your goal faster. Would you press that button?

No, this is not a time-traveling book that will help you restart your life's mission, but it's as close you can get to a start-over as possible. 

Learn How To Build Mental Toughness, Positive Discipline, And Change Your Mindset - Starting Today!

Remember the last SuperBowl you watched. Both teams had talented players. Both teams had worked really hard to get there. Both teams had the same chances of success. So, what was the difference-maker?

The answer is simple: WILLPOWER.

Willpower, or mental discipline, is a game-changing mindset that allows MMA fighters to knock out their opponents, entrepreneurs to build wealth, and everyday people, just like you, to get that promotion, shed those stubborn extra pounds, learn that new skill, save more money for a dream vacation, and feel more dominant than ever. 

5 Steps That Will Unleash The Power Of Mental Discipline: 

  • Understand The Power Of Mental Discipline: why is it important? How can conscious discipline help you succeed in life? 
  • Break Your Own Barriers: changing your mindset is not as easy as it sounds. Break bad habits and start forming new ones. 
  • Build Self Belief ' Confidence: this mental toughness book will make developing self discipline easier than ever. 
  • Plan Like A Mastermind: overcome fear, be prepared for obstacles, and develop a plan to enhance mental focus. 
  • Hack Your Way To Better Discipline: learn the difference between effort Vs talent, understand the value of willpower, and control the mind with this easy-to-follow self discipline mental toughness guide book. 

EAN: 9781801490764
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Lawrence Micolis
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