Travel to Free the Soul - Natalie Ollivier
At 23 years old, Natalie decides to leave her hometown of Mexico City with an objective in mind: Australia. She decides to undertake a spiritual journey, with a one-way ticket to the unknown. Growing up with an esoteric mother, Natalie found her interest in philosophy and metaphysics when she was a teenager. Something that became a pillar in her way of thinking and decision-making. With a degree in Political Science, Natalie describes herself as a rebel, a philosopher, a truth seeker, and a freedom hunter. So as an experiment, she decides to pursue her dreamt life following the spiritual teachings of masters and ideas of books she read. With a high emphasis on practicality, she wanted to apply those theories in real life and see the results for herself. With more than seven years listening to her intuition and acting according to her heart, Natalie aims to open a conversation around the New Age movement. Does spirituality really work? Is it possible to be free? Can we manifest our dreams? These and other questions answered in this book, hoping to bring positive ideas for anyone seeking an alternative way of living.
EAN: 9781952027208