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The Isolated Jesus - MacKenzie Roy Sheldon

The Isolated Jesus - MacKenzie Roy Sheldon

  • Seven Messages for Good Friday or Lent Based Upon Mark's Passion Narrative
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The Isolated Jesus has many uses. The seven meditations were originally written for a three-hour Good Friday liturgy. The meditations may be adopted for Lenten study groups, for dramatization during mid-week Lent services or for special times during Holy Week. 

The book includes a suggested order of service for a three-hour liturgy. 

This book will be welcomed by all those who seek to enter more deeply into the Passion of Jesus Christ.... Especially by those who concentrate their study on Mark. 
William J. Bellamy
Rector, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Dean, St. John's Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador 

He has the lucidity of the deeply spiritual guides of every age, a lucidity that permits the reader to dip as deeply as he or she can into the clear waters of his narrative, to return time and again for refreshment from the same text. 
James Ross Dickey
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Stratford, Ontario 

The meditations are exegetically sound, homiletically provocative, spiritually motivating and address the contemporary Christian, and the community of faith. 
Edward B. Jones
Pastor Holy Trinity-Bethlehem Presbyterian Church
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

R. Sheldon MacKenzie is a member of the Department of Religious Studies at Memorial University in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. He previously served as minister of The First Presbyterian Church of Montreal and of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in St. John's. He holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from St. Andrew's University, Scotland, and a D.D. from Knox College, Toronto. This is his second CSS book.

EAN: 9781556737039
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MacKenzie Roy Sheldon
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