A Retreat on the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Leighton Cadoc D.
THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION of the Blessed Virgin Mary forms a cornerstone of God's plan for our salvation. Christ receives his human body from His Mother, who herself, by a singular gift from God, comes into this world without original sin. This exemption is God's gift to the woman who would freely choose to be His Mother. The gift highlights the extraordinary nature of the mission of the Mother of God-no one else would ever have the relationship that God in Christ has to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This retreat guides us to a deeper knowledge of how the Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Lady lies at the dawn of our salvation in Christ. Through devotional, historical, doctrinal and spiritual reflections in a series of four Conferences, Fr Cadoc leads his listeners to a deeper perception of the place of the Mother of God in our lives. This publication is offered as a memorial to the life and ministry of Fr Cadoc.
EAN: 9780852449783