The Great Return by Arthur Machen, Fiction, Fantasy - Arthur Machen
There are strange things lost and forgotten in obscure corners of the newspaper. I often think that the most extraordinary item of intelligence that I have read in print appeared a few years ago in the London Press. It came from a well-known and most respected news agency; I imagine it was in all the papers. It was astounding.
The circumstances necessary—not to the understanding of this paragraph, for that is out of the question—but, we will say, to the understanding of the events which made it possible, are these. We had invaded Tibet and there had been trouble in the hierarchy of that country and a personage known as the Tashai Lama had taken refuge with us in India. He went on pilgrimage from one Buddhist shrine to another and came at last to a holy mountain of Buddhism, the name of which I have forgotten. And thus the morning paper:
His Holiness the Tashai Lama then ascended the Mountain and was transfigured.—Reuters.
That was all. And from that day to this I have never heard a word of explanation or comment on this amazing statement.
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